Gymnastics WA Series # 3

This event is open to selected State Level 3 & 4 gymnasts.  The event will be held 17th -18th August.  Days and times for each group to be advised later.

Judges Invitational

This event is open to selected National Level 3 – 10 gymnasts.  The event will be held 23rd – 25th August.

Gymnastics WA Series 4

This event is open to selected State Level 5 – 8 gymnasts.  The event will be held 14th – 15th September 2024.  Days and times will be advised closer to the event date.

Starmites Parade of Stars

This event is open to select Foundation Level 1 & 2, State Level 3 – 8 and Club level 4 and above gymnasts. The event will be held 20th – 23rd  September.  Days and times for each group will be advised later.